Webinar: Part 3 ‘Motherhood In The Qur’an’
Live Event Ended: Video Recording Available
4 part series
What is the Qur’an’s Vision for Womanhood?
We’re excited to share our Womanhood in the Qur’an series in collaboration with Ilmfeed.
Catch up on Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla & Umm Talha webinars (recorded live) as they share insights about inspirational women in the Qur’an and answers the question: What is the Qur’an’s vision for womanhood?
We’re living in a time when people can’t answer the question: “What is a woman?” People are confused about womanhood and manhood and how to live a good life as a man or woman. The Qur’an presents a powerful and compelling vision for womanhood that will give you CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and provide you with POWERFUL ROLE MODELS for life.
Part 1: Women Praised In The Qur’an: Bilqis, Asia, Mariam
Part 2: Does Islam Need Feminism?
Part 3: Motherhood In The Quran: Umm Musa & Umm Mariam
Part 4: Women Dispraised In The Qur’an: Wife Of Lut, Wife Of Noah, Wife of Abu Lahab
This event is in partnership with Ilmfeed
Media Training for Muslim Women with Rachel Shabi (Journalist and Author)
Event Ended: Saturday 4th February 2023
Webinar: Part 1 ‘Women Praised in the Qur’an’
Live Event Ended: Video Recording Available
4 part series
Webinar: Part 2 ‘Does Islam Need Feminism?’
Live Event Ended: Video Recording Available
4 part series